So, we have to follow the below steps in bubble sort: Then the next 2 elements have to compare (index 1 and index 2) and elements are swapped based on the same logic. If the element at index 0 is greater than the element at index 1 then these two elements are swapped.

In the bubble sort algorithm, we start by comparing the first two elements (index 0 and index 1).

The bubble sort is considered the simplest sorting algorithm and it is the slowest too because of a large number of swaps and comparisons. Out of the three simple sorting algorithms, bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort. In this post, we will talk and learn about How to Write a Java program for Bubble Sort using Recursive Approach In the previous post, Java program for Bubble Sort using Iterative Approach We learned how to write a java program for bubble sort using the Recursive method.